Non-Slip Half Square 4-in-1 Triangle Ruler Designed by Brenda Henning
Create half-square triangles (HST) in multiple sizes using the same tool. Whichever technique is used in the pattern you choose can be completed with this ruler.
Instructions show four different ways to sew HST's. Method 1 - Create eight half-square triangles out of a set of squares. Method 2 - Cut ready to sew sets of triangles from strips. Method 3 - Mark and Sew 1/4" seam lines. Method 4 - Trim Over-sized HST's to the correct size.
Choose the method that works best for you.
Trending Triangles Book By Brenda Henning Brenda has written a beautifully illustrated book 'Trending Triangles' on how to the use Ref: CGRBH1 half Square 4-in-1 Triangle Ruler. Create 134 blocks using just half square triangle units
or create 3 fun, innovative sampler settings each based on a different block size. Perfect for building a block of the month class. Guide to using the ruler to make 8 HST's at a time.
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