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Creative Grids Non-Slip 60° Diamond Ruler 8½

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Creative Grids Non-Slip 60° Diamond Ruler 8½" By Krista Moser

Increase your diamond design possibilities with the 60° Diamond Ruler. Cut 60° diamonds up to 8½; hexies up to 8½"; and 60° triangles up to 8½" inches. Maximize the design potential by cutting them from strip sets. There are even markings included to cut 120° side setting triangles. The ruler slides easily over the fabric until pressure is applied. Then, our exclusive gripper holds the fabric in place while cutting, eliminating slipping and miss-cuts! It comes with fully illustrated step by step instructions or scan the QR Code printed on the instructions to view a video demon.

About Krista Moser
Krista Moser is a quilting and fiber arts enthusiast. She has been teaching and designing for more than twenty years in the Pacific Northwest and anywhere they will have her. Her aesthetic can be described as fresh modern and approachable with clean lines and surprising simplicity. Her work has been published by Martingale Press, numerous quilting magazines

Price: £27.95


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