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Karla Alexander
Non-Slip Rulers

Creative Grids Shop |  Videos Demos |  Karla Alexander
Non-Slip Rulers

Creative Grids Curves for Squares
Designed by Karla Alexander

The Curves for Squares ruler is one of a range of rulers created to make cutting gentle curves from squares and rectangles simple and easy. These gentle curves - cut from 5" to 10" squares - are easy to piece. Use these curved, pieced units to replace any half-square triangles or squares in a traditional block to add a sense of movement for a dramatic effect. The finished square is 1" less than the cut size. Our exclusive embedded gripper strips hold the fabric while cutting when pressure is applied.
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Creative Grids Curves for Rectangles
Designed by Karla Alexander

The Curves for Rectangles ruler is one of a range of rulers created to make cutting gentle curves from squares and rectangles simple and easy. Cut gentle curves from six different sizes of rectangles that are easy to piece. Use these curved, pieced units to replace any rectangles in a traditional block to add a sense of movement for a dramatic effect. The finished rectangle is 1" less than the cut size. Our exclusive embedded gripper strips hold the fabric while cutting when pressure is applied.
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Creative Grids Circle Savvy Ruler
Designed by Karla Alexander

Cut circles, semi-circles, & quarter-circles from 3in to 15-1/2in and every 1/2in in between. Cut a freezer paper template to the finished size & cut the fabric 1/2in larger to add the seam allowance. If you prefer piecing curves, cut the background and the circles with the same ruler.
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Creative Grids Non-Slip Split Seconds Ruler 7'' to 18'' Unit Designed by Karla Alexander

This ruler cuts gentle curves on rectangles, squares, or pieced blocks from 7-18 inches. Cuts blocks in half vertically - with a curve, or cut the pieced curved units horizontally & piece into curved four- patches. Patented Non-Slip grip.
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Creative Grids The Curved Slot Ruler
Designedbr by Karla Alexander

The Curved Slotted Ruler cuts rectangles into seven curvy shapes to
create curvy rail fence units. After the curves are cut from a 9in x 13in
rectangle, they can be sewn into a square that is trimmed to 8-1/2in.
Designed by Karla Alexander. Independents Only.
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Creative Grids Straight Out Of Line 6in x 10in Ruler
Designed by Karla Alexander

New Creative Grids The Straight Out of Line Ruler launched at Houston Quilt Market,
Texas by internationally renowned Quilt Designer, Teacher and Author
Karla Alexander Karla was a featured artist on Simply Quilts with
Alex Anderson, and had a featured quilt in the Fons & Porter magazine
she is also an author with That Patchwork Place and Martingale publishers.

The Straight Out of Line Ruler creates unique four-patch blocks with the
illusion of curves. Ruler markings make it possible to cut squares from 4
to 10 inches and every half inch in between. The finished size of pieced
block will be approximately 3/4in less than the cut block. Ruler comes
with detailed instructions.
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Creative Grids Shop |  Videos Demos |  Karla Alexander
Non-Slip Rulers